Musings on the MassGOP State Committee Election
It’s the Thursday after Super Tuesday 2024 and I just got home from walking my dog. While on that brief little journey where my furry companion sniffed and did her business, I ran into a few neighbors who asked how I did in my race for state committee.
I replied with a smiling “I didn’t win” and the smile was genuine. I honestly had a fun time while running for state committee! Campaigns can be a drag. I’ve helped out many and ran my own years ago. They’re generally not “fun,” but this one was. For me at least.
It felt great to get offers from one neighbor for help if I do anything in the future. (Yes, I’ll definitely be doing things in the future, I’m a lifer in the political game.) Another neighbor asked how I did and while talking he mentioned “the other guy was with Lyons right? They’re nuts.”
I was shocked! Most people don’t know anything about the inner machinations of the Massachusetts Republican Party. To put in in perspective, my neighbor is a Trump supporter and served in the military with children who serve[d] as well. A great normal guy. (For the outside observer, it’s not about Trump.)
My neighbor understood that the people who back Lyons have a screw loose. They think that they are the only true conservatives in Massachusetts. They’ve convinced themselves of this largely because there is no affirmative case for them running the party.
As Howie Carr puts it, they’re knuckleheads.
What’s most irritating is they’ll scream RINO at anyone who doesn't want their dipshit influence in the party and when you hit back and accurately call them the freak that they are, they’ll clutch their pearls at such “vitriol.”
Pathetic little crybullies.
[To be fair, my opponent did come after me, but it was par for the course. Rather mundane usual back and forth between candidates. There were way nastier races in Massachusetts and I’m mostly referring to those. He’s from the largest town in the district and an incumbent which is a huge advantage in a race where 99% of people don’t even know what it is we’re running for. As a reference, each candidate won their home town and incumbents won the rest.]
Publicly we’ll call for “unity,” but privately every normal person knows these freaks and losers need to be ousted from anywhere near a position of influence. Let them go hold a sign for a candidate. That’s about it and don’t let that sign holding take place within talking distance of a voter. That’s what they’re qualified to do.
Here’s the good news. It looks like team normal has prevailed. I hope my fellow normals have learned a valuable and permanent lesson from this race. That lesson being when the freaks come out you have to GO HARD AFTER THEM!
There is no scenario where working with them is an option. They’re too toxic and people can sense the palpable freak vibe. Normals have a built in advantage being normal in that our spidey sense starts to tingle as soon as they open their mouths. The freaks however are good at manipulating the conversation to be about an issue a normal person agrees/disagrees with.
“I support/am against ______ and I have an opponent. If I have an opponent, that opponent must support the opposite of what I support/am against.”
To a normal person not paying too much attention, it’s a decent electoral tactic. The reality is that in an intraparty contest it’s nonsense. But as we live in a universe of nonsense, it’s effective.
Conservatives have gone through purges like this in the past. William F. Buckley had to kick out the John Birch Society — formed in nearby Belmont, MA of all places — from movement conservatism and we have to remove this latest iteration.
Normals should take solace. There are WAY more of us than them. The problem is they’re loud, obnoxious, and stupid. Unfortunately that gets a lot of attention. Especially if you’re a desperate for ratings, disgusting blob of a morning radio host.
If you’re like me and a lifer in the political game, get used to dealing with this nonsense. It’s just part of it. There is a bright side, democrats have let their kooks completely take over their party. This bodes well for Republican chances at the ballot box in the future. The downside at the moment is they’re in charge of government and ruining both the Commonwealth and the country.